Because the world is changing, we offer you a handy application for managing your file online 24/7.This ease of use will allow you to access your documents at any time, to consult CAERIF news, or to have visibility on the various activities related to your file.We provide you with several practical tools:- Conciliator and Ami Compta for the transmission of scanned documents (invoices etc.)- Isanet Fact for invoicing,- Collaborative Isacompta for accounting entry.You will also find all the accounting documents of your company classified by fiscal year:- tax return- result book- accounting documents (general ledger, balance and journal).To facilitate the management of your personnel and within the framework of the obligations related to the nominative social declaration (DSN), we also offer you an interface allowing you to alert us to any event impacting your workforce (new employee, work stoppage, accident, end of contract,...).You will also be able to consult the payslips of your employees classified by fiscal year and by employee.A dedicated space will collect CAERIF invoices classified by accounting year.Push notifications will also be very useful to inform you directly of the latest updates on your file.Finally, you will be able to exchange with your accountant, all the documents useful for keeping your accounts.